Astrology Readings


Birth Chart Reading

Whether you’ve had many astrology readings or this is your first time, checking in with your birth chart at important moments in life can provide a renewed understanding of yourself and clarity on your direction.

A birth chart reading with me is an opportunity to explore your strengths, challenges, unique gifts, opportunities for growth, purpose and soul calling. I combine ancient wisdom with a love of conversation about our deeper whys to help you unlock new perspectives.

Come with an open mind and a willingness to chat. I can’t wait to meet you!

45 mins

Blue sky with pink and white clouds and a crescent moon.

Current Energy Reading

Let’s look at where the planets are in the sky and how their movements chart the major themes in your life. By tapping into cosmic guidance you can understand what’s being asked of you and work proactively with these energies to welcome what the universe offers you with open arms. 

I look at current transits to determine key times for growth and opportunity in the areas of life you’re wondering most about. This is the perfect gift to your highest self. 

45 mins

Soul-Led Business Reading

Ever wonder why some weeks feel like you’re spinning your wheels, while others your creativity and productivity is sky-high?

Astrology has the answers! In this two-part reading, I work with you to plan the best timing for your business activities, so you know where to invest your energy to make the most of the next six months.

Drawing on a background in business strategy, marketing and communications, Alison translates astrological insights into practical tools to help you flourish within your business.

2 x 45 min sessions + report

  • Soul Growth Reading - Birth Time NOT Required

    Have you ever wanted to have an astrology reading but don’t know your birth time? This is the reading for you.

    This is the perfect reading for anyone who wants to be introduced to universal forces impacting your life, energy, soul’s purpose and key themes for the next 12 months.

    We’ll spend an hour looking at the signs in you birth chart, the lunar cycle you were born under and your ‘profection’ year, which all impact you in deep and profound ways.

    We’ll take this cosmic guidance as a starting point to tackle your biggest life questions and help you shift into a place of greater understanding, trust and ease.

    45 mins

  • Discovery Journey - Three Pack

    There can be a lot to absorb in one astrology reading. This three-pack pass will allow us to go deep and build on what you’ve learned as we go. This is where the ancient astrological wisdom becomes highly digestible and practical for your life.

    In our first session, we’ll set up the foundations for self-understanding and personal growth. If you want clarity about your purpose and direction, this is the place to start.

    In the second session, we’ll look at your key life events (e.g. big moves, breakups, awakenings) and what was happening in the stars at that time. What were the lessons you were being asked to face? How has this shaped you as a person?

    And in the final session, we’ll look to the future. What are the key things coming up for you over the next 12 months? How are you going to use this universal guidance to live your boldest and brightest life?

    If you’re ready to step into a life that’s divinely guided, then this curated journey is for you!

    45 mins x 3

  • Solar Return - Birthday Reading

    The ideal birthday present for yourself or a loved one, this reading looks at where the planets were on your birthday (at the exact time you were born) and illuminates your focus for the year ahead.

    The solar return shows areas of greatest opportunity, where your energy and attention should be invested and where you will shine brightest for the next 12 months.

    This reading can be done any time of year but the closer to your birthday the better for maximum impact.

    45 mins

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